1,000 first women hired or promoted by partners
These women are the first female employees to assume positions historically occupied by men. Reem Hamdan is one of these women.
I had always managed to survive workplace hardships, but there was a particularly difficult time when I began to consider early retirement, and Engendering Industries taught me that I can persevere... Engendering Industries kept me going because I learned that what was happening to me happens to women worldwide. I learned that there were strategies for people and companies to overcome these challenges.
— Reem Hamdan, CEO of Electricity Distribution Company | Jordan
In 2023, 68% of Engendering Industries partners promoted women at the same rate as men.
ISWSC promoted women so that their executive committee now has gender parity.
We are taking a big stand which you hardly see organizations in Nigeria doing, but it's natural. It is unique to do what we are doing, but even the men who were skeptical are beginning to see the issue of gender as something that concerns everybody. This has impacted our reputation positively.
— Engineer Emeka Ugoanyanu, CEO of Imo State Water and Sewage Corporation | Nigeria
80 organizational policies drafted or improved to advance gender equality.
EKEDC strengthened or adopted seven policies that advanced gender equality and provided protections against gender-based violence and sexual harassment.
It has helped our business improve... I want anybody who sees our brand to know that we give everybody equal opportunity.
— Dr. Tinuada Sanda, CEO of Eko Electricity Distribution Company | Nigeria
Case Studies
ImageThis case study shares lessons from Engendering Industries’ partner, Eko Electricity Distribution Company, in Nigeria.
ImageCollecting, analyzing, and using sex-disaggregated data for decision-making is critical for organizations to identify the most significant gender equality gaps and make data informed strategic plans.
ImagePartner utility BSES Rajdhani Power Limited in India deploys female field staff to improve community relations, reduce electricity theft and illegal connections, and increase revenue.
ImageAdministrator Powers launched the 2023 Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy, which provides the vision for USAID’s work to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment around the world.
ImageA White House progress report on advancing the National Strategy on Gender and Equality highlights Engendering Industries’ work in expanding women’s participation in lucrative sectors.
ImageUSAID Administrator Samantha Power announced the roll out of the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund, and cited the achievements of the #EngenderingIndustries program.