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Course Module 7

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The module builds upon the content taught in Module 3 on men’s engagement and in Module 6 on organizational culture and corporate communications by focusing on men’s engagement interventions in the workplace.

  1. Learn how to develop transformative strategies for male-dominated industries to support men’s engagement for gender equality, including by identifying, training, and motivating male change agents to act as ambassadors for gender equality. 
  2. Learn how to engage senior leadership and staff in gender equality and inclusion efforts. 
  3. Learn how to intervene when witnessing discriminatory or inappropriate behaviors toward women and other employees. 
  4. Analyze and brainstorm how the content and issues presented in this module could be addressed in your GAP.

  • After the module, incorporate new ideas in your GAP. Analyze how you can: 
    • Inspire dialogue at your organization to overcome fears of gender equality and move from tolerating women to inviting them as equals. 
    • Become proactive allies and inspire others to do the same with concrete strategies and actions embedded in your GAP.
    • Use new learnings to refine your GAP, expanding on your notes and reflections from Module 3 (Gender Equality and the Role of Male Leaders) and Module 6 (Corporate Culture, Leadership, Communications and Branding). 
  • Review the required readings for the next session.