1.4 Invite girls to become familiar with the company
Description of Best Practices
Invite children, especially daughters of employees, for a one-day event hosted at the company, such as “Bring Your Daughter to Work Day” or an event on International Girls’ Day
Provide participants with information about the company business during the event, ensuring that they are engaged in a fun way in technical activities and topics to gain positive exposure to the company operations, which challenge current gender norms
Expose them to female role models from technical areas and in leadership positions as well as to male champions communicating a strong message, that the organization is more than welcoming women at all levels of the organization
Prepare gender-equitable and inclusive communication materials and participant giveaways with positive imagery that challenge stereotypes of men and women
Challenges of Implementation
Effective and timely planning, including for promotion/ communication and activities, are essential for success
Selection and preparation of company staff who will interact with the girls is important, as they must act as credible role models and provide the right messaging
Staff may face time constraints to dedicate time and be involved in activities
Lack of creative ideas for suitable activities in the local context
Safety concerns and regulations at company facilities may be a barrier that needs to be overcome
Participation numbers may be low the first year (and typically increase consecutively) may demotivate staff
What Success Looks Like
Number of participants increases with repetition over consecutive years
Employees report back stories and discussions they experienced after the event, with participating girls asking more questions and referencing topics brought to their attention
Involved employees and girls provide positive feedback on the event
Press coverage about the initiative enhances the company’s image in the local community
Resources and Tools
Training Resource/Tool: From Playdough to Plato - 40 STEM Activities for Kids (Playdough to Plato)
Example: STEM Classroom Activities & Resources (Shell USA)
Example: Girls' Day—Future Prospects for Girls (Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Opportunities)
Video: Girls’ Day—A Really Successful Story! (Competence Center Technology-Diversity-Equal Opportunities)
Case Study: In North Macedonia, the Future is Female: How a Power Utility is Opening Doors for Girls and Women (USAID)