10.2 Dedicate budget and track use of financial resources to increase gender equality and diversity
Description of Best Practices
Develop a policy statement on gender budgeting and obtain board approval
Establish budget committees with an equal representation of women and ensure their participation in budgetary planning and decision-making processes
Train all managers and budget committees on gender budgeting
Company and project budgets are developed including perspectives and needs of female and male employees equally and aim to reduce gender inequality
Ensure budget priorities and spending allocation close gender equity gaps in high impact areas including:
- Talent outreach
- Recruitment and hiring
- Talent development and training
- Employee benefits
- Leadership development
Monitor and evaluate the degree to which the budget contributed to closing gender equality and diversity gaps
Company reports on budget used for gender equality and diversity initiatives in annual reports or other publicly available reports
Challenges of Implementation
Budgeting decisions are typically made by individuals who may not understand the importance, relevance, or business priority of considering gender equality and diversity implications of budgets
Budgeting as a topic may be considered too technical an issue by managers of key departments within the organization, e.g., Human Resources Department
What Success Looks Like
Leadership commitment and support to use the budget as a tool to allocate company resources in an equitable way, thereby achieving equality and diversity, in provision of benefits, training opportunities, policy impacts, leadership development opportunities and onsite facilities
A policy statement on the company’s commitment to gender budgeting approved by the Board and published
All budgets within the company include a gender equality and diversity perspective
Women are represented and participate in budgetary planning and decision-making processes
All managers and budget committees are competent on gender budgeting
Sex-disaggregated data are available and used to make decisions that equally benefit female employees
Existing company budgets are assessed from a gender equality and diversity perspective, to identify and reduce gender inequalities and diversity disparities
Resources and Tools
Guide: A Guide to Gender-Responsive Budgeting (OXFAM)
Report/Study: Overview of Gender-responsive Budget Initiatives (Bureau for Gender Equality)
Report/Study: Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Budgeting (Diane Elson)
Article: Gender Budgeting: A Tool for achieving Equality (Gender and the Economy)
Article: What is Gender Budgeting and How Can it Help Equality? (Deutsche Welle)