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6.1 Use workplace climate and employee satisfaction surveys to identify gender equality and diversity and inclusion challenges


Description of Best Practices

Design and administer survey according to global best practices (e.g., validated surveys are disaggregated by sex and other social identity factors) 

Design survey to ask questions to better understand issues related to gender equality, D&I, sexual harassment, and discrimination, including the following examples:

  • I feel well respected by my supervisor/co-workers 
  • Management shows, through action that diversity and/or gender equality is one of the highest priorities of the company.
  • Job promotions are fair and based on the principles of equality
  • The performance of women and men is evaluated with the same accuracy OR with fair judgment.
  • Diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged in my team
  • I am comfortable voicing my ideas and opinions, even if they are different from others
  • In my department or work unit, people are treated respectfully, regardless of their differences 
  • I feel a good gender balance within the organization
  • The behavior of our senior leadership team is consistent with this company’s value
  • My CEO prioritizes gender diversity
  • Commitment to gender diversity is important because it contributes to a positive image of the company
  • Promotions at this company are based on fair and objective criteria
  • I was subjected to offensive jokes
  • I was subjected to negative comments or remarks

In the past 12 months, how often did someone at work: 

  • Make unwanted attempts to establish a romantic sexual relationship with you, despite your efforts to discourage it? 
  • Make offensive remarks about your appearance, body, or sexual activities? 

Analyze data from the survey and use findings to develop an action plan to close gaps 

Challenges of Implementation

Multiple modalities (e.g., phone, computer, paper) may be needed to reach all employees

Union employees may be required to complete the survey on company time and phone-based surveys may be prohibited

If surveys are outsourced, the survey company may increase the cost for the additional service of disaggregating data

Invalid surveys (e.g., surveys that are not well designed) could result in inaccurate results or gender bias

What Success Looks Like

Employee satisfaction surveys are conducted periodically, and data are disaggregated by sex

Data are analyzed and used to inform decisions to further advance gender equality

Women increasingly report satisfaction

Resources and Tools