12.1 Assess and revise internal and external communications to communicate the company's commitment to supporting both men and women and provide supporting messaging, language, and photos
Description of Best Practices
Develop a communications plan to use internal and external communication to support gender initiatives, signal company commitment to gender equality, promote the company as an employer of choice for women that values gender equality and D&I
Create clear guidance for the communications department, senior managers, and other staff representing the company at internal and external events
Defined actions can include:
- Review of all internal and external corporate communications to ensure the company’s commitment to gender equality and D&I is explicitly expressed and effectively communicated
- Use of gender-inclusive language and diverse pictures in all communication (e.g., photos show an equal representation of women and men in different job areas and/or women highlighted in technical sectors)
- Ensure diversity in all imagery
- Publish the company’s gender and inclusion strategy, equal opportunity statement, and other relevant documents are published and used to highlight the company’s commitment (e.g., on the career website or linked to job ads, etc.)
Gender equality and D&I activities are amplified through a variety of materials across communication channels
Challenges of Implementation
Lack of understanding of the importance and high potential impact of publicizing company commitment to gender equality
Resources (financial and time) to create new communication materials may be limited
Organizations may unintentionally use stereotypical pictures
What Success Looks Like
Action plan developed and executed to increase inclusive communication for internal and external audiences
All company products use inclusive wording and pictures
Women and other minority groups feel well-represented through internal and external communication
Top leadership models commitment to gender equality through communication and actively communicates an expectation that all employees operate with a gender lens.
Internal and external communications equally feature men and women in a range of positions/roles/jobs
Women are encouraged and empowered to take part in external communication, including speaking engagements, conferences, interviews, video, or photo features, etc.
Resources and Tools
Guide: Gender-Checklist for Content Creators (United Nations)
Guide: Words at Work: Building Inclusion Through the Power of Language (Diversity Council Australia)
Guide (incl. Checklist for Gender-Sensitive Communications): A Guide to Gender Equality in Communications (Koç Holding)
Guide: Let’s Speak Gender: 10 Principles for Gender-Responsive Communications (UNDP)
Guide: Gender-Sensitive Communication (European Institute for Gender Equality)
Guide: Disability Communications Tips (USAID)
Guide: Gender Pronouns in the Workplace: I See You (HR Digest)
Tool: Guidelines for Gender-Inclusive Language in English (United Nations)
Tool: GenderTerm - The Gender-Sensitive Lexicon (UN Women)
Tool: Communications & Gender Checklist: Things to Consider (Value for Women)
Training/E-learning/Online Course: Apply the Guidelines for Gender-Inclusive Language in English (United Nations)
Article: 9 Tips for Creating Inclusive Corporate Websites (NCWIT)
Article: Diversity and Inclusion: A Case for Communication (LinkedIn)