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12.2 Showcase talented female employees and their professional achievements


Description of Best Practices

Use internal and external communication channels to elevate the profiles of talented female employees, especially women in management functions or in roles typically occupied by men 

Use a variety of tools, such as videos, blog posts, and testimonials from female employees on the organization’s career page. Post stories that feature female employees on company social media channels. Introduce a section in the corporate newsletter to recognize female talent and create other internal opportunities to recognize and honor women who have successfully pushed boundaries (e.g., “Wonder Woman of the Week”)

Create more visibility for women and members of other marginalized or minority groups. Provide speaking opportunities for them in stakeholder meetings, introduce them internally and in public fora, media campaigns, and in outreach programs to schools or other educational institutions

Provide women who are role models opportunities to speak at conferences and high-level meetings such as national or international stakeholder groups and industry networks

Challenges of Implementation

Women may be hesitant to be featured 

Company may need to invest in speaking skills of role models for public events, media campaigns and conferences

What Success Looks Like

Female and male employees feel valued and empowered through stories about them and their work

Female role models gain exposure to external stakeholders and opportunities to exchange at conferences, national and international fora, which can also support their growth

Male employees have increasingly positive views of women’s professional skills and abilities

Company increases image of being an inclusive workplace by showcasing successful women